Tuesday 28 March 2023

Dubai's History in Brief.

 Dubai is a city located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a federation of seven emirates in the Middle East. The history of Dubai can be traced back to the 18th century, when it was a small fishing village.

In the early 19th century, Dubai became a thriving trading port, thanks to its strategic location at the entrance to the Persian Gulf. Merchants from Iran, India, and Oman traded goods such as pearls, spices, and textiles in Dubai, which quickly grew into a major hub of regional trade.

In the late 19th century, Dubai came under British protection, which helped to further boost its trade and commerce. The discovery of oil in the 1960s brought even more wealth and prosperity to Dubai, which invested heavily in infrastructure and development.

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, Dubai continued to grow and modernize, becoming a center of tourism, finance, and commerce in the Middle East. In recent decades, Dubai has become known for its impressive skyscrapers, luxury shopping, and cutting-edge technology, as well as its thriving arts and culture scene.

Today, Dubai is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, with a diverse population that includes people from all over the globe. Despite its rapid growth and modernization, Dubai remains deeply rooted in its history and cultural traditions, which can be seen in its architecture, cuisine, and way of life.

Monday 20 March 2023

Apex Legends mobile rumors

 Apex Legends is a popular first-person shooter game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. While the game is currently available on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, there have been rumors and speculations about the possibility of a mobile version.

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, there was no official confirmation from Respawn or EA about an Apex Legends mobile game. However, in April 2021, Respawn Entertainment
posted a job listing for a Senior Game Designer for an upcoming "new project" in the Apex Legends universe, which some speculated could be a mobile version of the game.

It's worth noting that developing a mobile version of a game like Apex Legends is a significant undertaking and can take considerable time and resources. As of my current date, March 2023, there is still no official announcement or confirmation from Respawn or EA regarding an Apex Legends mobile game.

Sunday 19 March 2023

Popular Blogging Topics 2023


  1. Sustainability and Climate Change - With increasing concern over the environment and climate change, sustainable living and eco-friendly practices are likely to remain a popular topic in 2023.

  2. Mental Health and Wellbeing - As awareness of mental health and self-care continues to grow, bloggers may focus on providing resources and advice for maintaining good mental health and wellbeing.

  3. Artificial Intelligence and Automation - As technology continues to advance, the impact of artificial intelligence and automation on society and the job market may be a popular topic for bloggers to explore.

  4. Personal Finance and Investing - As people become more financially savvy, personal finance and investing advice may continue to be a popular topic in 2023.

  5. Lifestyle and Culture - With the rise of social media influencers and lifestyle bloggers, lifestyle and culture topics such as fashion, beauty, travel, and food may continue to be popular in 2023.

Ultimately, the top blogging topic in 2023 will depend on a variety of factors, including current events, cultural trends, and the interests of the blogging community and their audience.

Islam: beliefs and teachings.

 Islam is a monotheistic religion that was founded in the 7th century by the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula. It is based on the teachings of the holy book, the Quran, which Muslims believe to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.

Islam's central teachings revolve around the belief in one God, who is merciful and compassionate, and the submission to His will. The followers of Islam, called Muslims, believe in the Day of Judgment when all human beings will be held accountable for their actions in this world.

The Five Pillars of Islam are the basic tenets of the faith, and they include the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), giving to charity (zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm), and making a pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime, if financially and physically able.

Islam has a rich history and culture that includes art, architecture, music, and literature. Muslims have contributed greatly to human civilization, particularly in the fields of science, mathematics, and philosophy.

Today, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, with over 1.8 billion followers. Muslims can be found in almost every part of the world, and Islam is an important part of many cultures and societies.

Sure, here are some additional information about Islam:

Muslims believe in the oneness of God, and that He has no partners, associates, or intermediaries. They also believe in the existence of angels, prophets, and the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet Muhammad is considered the final prophet in Islam, and Muslims believe that he was sent to guide humanity towards the path of righteousness and to convey the message of Islam to all people.

Islam emphasizes the importance of good deeds, treating others with kindness and respect, and seeking knowledge throughout one's life.

Muslims are expected to pray five times a day facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca, which is considered the holiest site in Islam.

The month of Ramadan is a time of fasting and spiritual reflection, during which Muslims abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs from dawn until sunset.

Zakat is the obligation to give a portion of one's wealth to those in need, and it is one of the five pillars of Islam.

The Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those who are physically and financially able to make the journey.

There are two major branches of Islam: Sunni and Shia. Sunni Muslims make up the majority of Muslims worldwide, while Shia Muslims are the majority in Iran, Iraq, and Bahrain.

Islam has a rich artistic and cultural tradition, including calligraphy, geometric patterns, music, and literature.

Muslims make up a significant minority in many countries around the world, including in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Certainly, here are some more facts about Islam:

The word "Islam" means submission to the will of God. A person who submits to God's will is called a "Muslim," which means one who submits.

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, and it is believed to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years.

Islam teaches the concept of "jihad," which means striving or struggling in the way of God. This can include internal struggles against one's own base desires, as well as external struggles to defend one's faith and community.

Islam places great emphasis on the importance of family and community, and it provides guidance on how to establish and maintain strong and healthy relationships within these units.

Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and education, and many Islamic scholars throughout history have made significant contributions to various fields of study.

Islam has a rich history of scientific discovery and innovation, including advances in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and architecture.

Islam has a code of ethics that emphasizes honesty, compassion, justice, and respect for human life and dignity.

Muslims believe in the concept of predestination, or the idea that God has already determined everything that will happen in the world, including each person's fate.

The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle and is 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar used in the Western world. The first month of the Islamic calendar is Muharram, and the last month is Dhu al-Hijjah.

Islamic art and architecture feature intricate geometric patterns, calligraphy, and beautiful designs that are often inspired by nature. Mosques, in particular, are known for their unique and elaborate architecture.

YouTube Income & Ownership

YouTube is owned by Google LLC, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. The CEO of Alphabet Inc. is Sundar Pichai. However, YouTube has its own CEO, Susan Wojcicki.

As for full-time income on YouTube, it varies greatly depending on a number of factors such as the type of content being created, the audience size, and the level of engagement. According to various sources, many successful YouTubers earn six-figure salaries, while some top earners make millions of dollars per year from advertising revenue, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and other sources of income. However, it's important to note that building a successful YouTube channel takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication, and not everyone is able to achieve these levels of success.

Saturday 18 March 2023

Quaid-e-Azam's legacy

 Quaid e Azam

 Quaid e Azam

Quaid-e-Azam (meaning "Great Leader") is the title given to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who was the founder of Pakistan and served as its first Governor-General from 1947 until his death in 1948. Jinnah was a prominent leader of the All India Muslim League and played a key role in the movement for the creation of Pakistan, which came into existence as a separate country for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent on August 14, 1947.

Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi (then part of British India). He was a prominent lawyer and politician who fought for the rights of Muslims in India and played a vital role in the negotiations for the independence of Pakistan from British colonial rule.

Jinnah was a great statesman and an accomplished orator who inspired millions of people through his speeches and his leadership. He is revered as a national hero in Pakistan and is remembered for his vision of a modern, democratic, and progressive Pakistan, which he envisioned as a state that would be tolerant and inclusive of all religions and ethnicities.

Jinnah's legacy continues to inspire the people of Pakistan and those who believe in the principles of democracy, freedom, and equality. His vision of a united, prosperous, and peaceful Pakistan remains a guiding light for the country and its people.

Sure, here's some additional information about Quaid-e-Azam:

Jinnah studied law in England and returned to India to practice law in Bombay. He quickly rose to prominence in the Indian National Congress and worked with Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian independence movement. However, Jinnah became disillusioned with the Congress's policy of Hindu nationalism and the lack of representation of Muslim interests within the party.

Jinnah became the leader of the All India Muslim League in 1916 and led the movement for the creation of a separate Muslim state. His efforts culminated in the creation of Pakistan, which was formed on the basis of the two-nation theory, which posited that Hindus and Muslims were two separate nations with distinct identities, cultures, and political aspirations.

Jinnah was a strong advocate of democracy and human rights and believed that a democratic system of government was essential for the development of Pakistan. He famously said, "Democracy is in the blood of the Muslims, who look upon complete equality of mankind, and believe in fraternity, equality, and liberty."

Jinnah also believed in the importance of education and worked to promote education and literacy in Pakistan. He established several educational institutions, including the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and the University of Karachi.

Jinnah passed away on September 11, 1948, just a year after Pakistan's independence. He remains a highly respected figure in Pakistan and is often referred to as the "Father of the Nation." His birthday, December 25, is celebrated as a national holiday in Pakistan.

Certainly, here is some more information about Quaid-e-Azam:

Jinnah was not only a political leader but also a prolific writer and thinker. He wrote extensively on a wide range of subjects, including politics, law, and social issues. He was a brilliant orator who delivered some of the most memorable speeches in the history of Pakistan.

Jinnah was a firm believer in the principle of secularism and believed that religion should be a personal matter and should not interfere with the affairs of the state. He envisioned Pakistan as a modern, democratic, and secular state where people of all religions and ethnicities would live together in peace and harmony.

Despite facing many challenges, including opposition from the British, the Congress, and some Muslim leaders, Jinnah never wavered in his commitment to the cause of Pakistan. He worked tirelessly to build a new nation, traveling extensively throughout the country, and addressing rallies to mobilize support for his vision.

Jinnah's leadership and vision have had a profound impact on the history and development of Pakistan. He laid the foundations for a democratic and progressive Pakistan, which has made significant strides in the fields of education, health, and social welfare.

In recognition of his contributions to Pakistan, Jinnah was posthumously awarded the Nishan-e-Pakistan, the highest civilian award in the country. His legacy continues to inspire generations of Pakistanis and people around the world who believe in the values of democracy, freedom, and equality.

Certainly, here is some additional information about Quaid-e-Azam:

Jinnah's leadership and vision for Pakistan were not limited to the political sphere. He also believed in the importance of economic development and worked towards creating a strong and self-reliant economy for Pakistan. He encouraged industrial development, and during his time in office, several major industrial projects were initiated, including the establishment of Pakistan Steel Mills.

Jinnah was a staunch advocate of women's rights and believed in gender equality. He believed that women should have equal opportunities in education and employment and should have the freedom to choose their own path in life. He was instrumental in the passage of the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, which recognized the legal rights of Muslim women in matters of marriage, divorce, and inheritance.

Jinnah was also a strong proponent of human rights and believed that all individuals, regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity, should be treated with dignity and respect. He famously said, "You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state."

Jinnah's leadership and legacy have had a lasting impact on the development of Pakistan as a nation. He is remembered as a great leader, a visionary, and a champion of democracy, freedom, and equality. His vision of a united, peaceful, and prosperous Pakistan continues to inspire generations of Pakistanis and people around the world who believe in the principles of democracy and human rights.

Artuklu Gazi

 Artuklu" or "

Artuklu Gazı" (Artuklu Ghazi) is a Turkish historical drama TV series that premiered in 2021. It is based on the life of Artuk Bey, a Turkish warrior who served the Great Seljuq Empire and played a significant role in the establishment of the Anatolian Seljuk State.

The series follows Artuk Bey's journey as a young boy who witnesses the murder of his family and becomes a slave. He is eventually freed and taken under the wing of a Seljuk commander who recognizes his potential. Artuk Bey rises through the ranks of the Seljuk army and becomes a trusted warrior and advisor to the Seljuk sultan.

The series features a talented cast that includes names such as Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan, Serkan Çayoğlu, Kaan Taşaner, and Ebru Şahin, among others. The show has received positive reviews for its storytelling, performances, and production values.

If you have any specific questions or would like further information, please let me know.

"Artuklu" (Artuklu Gazı) is a 30-episode TV series produced by Mehmet Bozdağ, the creator of the popular Turkish historical dramas such as "Diriliş: Ertuğrul" and "Kuruluş: Osman". The show is set in the 11th century and depicts the political, social, and military developments of the era, focusing on the story of Artuk Bey.

Artuk Bey is portrayed as a brave and wise warrior who fights for justice and freedom. He forms alliances with other Turkish tribes and helps to establish a new state in Anatolia. Throughout the series, we see how he confronts various challenges, including betrayals, wars, and political intrigues, while remaining loyal to his cause and his people.

The series features impressive battle scenes, costumes, and sets, which give viewers a glimpse into the world of the Seljuk Empire. The show also explores the cultural and religious diversity of the era, highlighting the coexistence of different ethnic and religious groups in Anatolia.

Overall, "Artuklu Gazı" has been well-received by audiences and critics alike, who praise the series for its historical accuracy, engaging plot, and strong performances. If you are a fan of Turkish historical dramas or interested in the history of the Seljuk Empire, this series might be worth checking out.

Sure, here's some additional information about "Artuklu Gazı":

The show was filmed in various locations across Turkey, including Istanbul, Gaziantep, and the historical city of Mardin. The producers reportedly spent around 50 million Turkish liras (approximately $6.5 million USD) on the production, making it one of the most expensive Turkish TV series ever made.

The character of Artuk Bey is played by Serkan Çayoğlu, a popular Turkish actor who has appeared in several TV series and films. Çayoğlu trained extensively for the role, learning horse riding, sword fighting, and archery.

The show also features a talented supporting cast, including Ebru Şahin as Selçuk Hatun, the daughter of the Seljuk sultan; Kaan Taşaner as Nizamülmülk, the famous Persian vizier; and Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan as Hasan Sabbah, the founder of the Assassins.

"Artuklu Gazı" has been compared to other popular Turkish historical dramas such as "Diriliş: Ertuğrul" and "Kuruluş: Osman", which also depict the rise of the Turkish states in Anatolia. However, the show has been praised for its unique perspective and focus on the lesser-known figure of Artuk Bey.

The series is available to watch on the Turkish streaming platform, Atv+, with English subtitles. It has also been dubbed into several other languages for international audiences.

BB Ki Vines

BB Ki Vines
 BB Ki Vines is an Indian YouTube channel created by Bhuvan Bam in 2015. It features comedic skits and monologues performed by Bhuvan Bam himself, who plays various characters in each video. The channel became popular in India for its relatable humor and unique characters.

Bhuvan Bam initially created the channel to showcase his singing talent, but after uploading a few comedy videos, he noticed that they received more views than his music videos. He then shifted his focus to creating comedy videos, and the channel has since gained millions of subscribers.

BB Ki Vines has become one of the most popular YouTube channels in India, and Bhuvan Bam has won several awards for his work, including the prestigious Webby Award.

Sure, here's some more information about BB Ki Vines:

Bhuvan Bam, the creator of BB Ki Vines, is a comedian, singer, and songwriter from Delhi, India. He started his career by performing in local restaurants and bars, and later began creating content for YouTube.

BB Ki Vines became popular for its relatable humor, which often centers around everyday situations and experiences. Bhuvan Bam's characters, such as Titu Mama, Babloo Ji, and Sameer Fuddi, have become fan favorites and are known for their distinct personalities and catchphrases.

Apart from BB Ki Vines, Bhuvan Bam has also acted in several Bollywood films, including "Plus Minus" and "Ajnabee." He has also released several music singles, including "Sang Hoon Tere" and "Teri Meri Kahani."

In addition to entertaining viewers, Bhuvan Bam is also known for his philanthropic work. He has used his platform to raise funds for various causes, such as COVID-19 relief efforts and flood relief in Assam.

Overall, BB Ki Vines has had a significant impact on Indian pop culture and has paved the way for other comedians and content creators to gain recognition on YouTube.

Sure, here's some more information about BB Ki Vines:

BB Ki Vines has a massive following on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Bhuvan Bam also has a significant fan base in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other countries with large South Asian populations.

The popularity of BB Ki Vines has led to several collaborations with other YouTubers and celebrities, including Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Akshay Kumar. In 2020, Bhuvan Bam was invited to speak at the TEDxIIITD event, where he shared his journey and discussed the impact of social media on modern society.

BB Ki Vines has faced some criticism for its content, which some viewers have found offensive or insensitive. Bhuvan Bam has responded to these criticisms by stating that his intention is never to hurt anyone's sentiments and that he creates content to make people laugh and feel good.

Despite the criticism, BB Ki Vines remains one of the most popular YouTube channels in India, and Bhuvan Bam continues to create new content and expand his brand.

Sure, here's some more information about BB Ki Vines:

BB Ki Vines has been recognized with several awards and accolades, including the 2016 Most Popular YouTube Channel Award at the WebTVAsia Awards, the 2019 Most Popular YouTube Channel in India Award at the Social Media Summit & Awards, and the 2020 Global Entertainer of the Year Award at the World Bloggers Awards.

The success of BB Ki Vines has also led to Bhuvan Bam's inclusion in Forbes India's 30 Under 30 list in 2018, which recognizes young achievers in various fields.

In addition to creating content for BB Ki Vines, Bhuvan Bam has also collaborated with brands such as Lenskart and Beardo, and has performed at various live events and concerts.

BB Ki Vines has inspired a new generation of content creators in India, and many YouTubers have cited Bhuvan Bam as an influence on their work. Bhuvan Bam himself has expressed a desire to use his platform to support and promote new talent in the Indian entertainment industry.

Overall, BB Ki Vines has had a significant impact on Indian YouTube culture and has established Bhuvan Bam as one of the most popular and influential content creators in the country.

Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is a well-known British adventurer, writer, and television presenter, who is best known for his popular survival series "Man vs. Wild" which aired on the Discovery Channel. In the show, Bear Grylls demonstrated survival skills and techniques in various extreme environments, such as deserts, jungles, and mountains.

Bear Grylls also hosted other adventure shows like "Running Wild with Bear Grylls," "The Island with Bear Grylls," and "Bear Grylls: Mission Survive." He has authored several books on survival and outdoor activities, including "Mud, Sweat, and Tears," "True Grit," and "How to Stay Alive."

Bear Grylls has become a well-respected figure in the outdoor community and has inspired many people to challenge themselves and explore the natural world.

Bear Grylls was born on June 7, 1974, in Donaghadee, Northern Ireland. He grew up in the UK and went on to study at Eton College and then at the University of West of England, where he earned a degree in Hispanic Studies.

After completing his studies, Bear Grylls joined the British Army's Territorial Army and later became a member of the elite Special Air Service (SAS) unit. During his time in the military, he honed his survival skills and spent time training in harsh environments such as the jungles of Belize and the mountains of the UK.

After leaving the military, Bear Grylls began his career as a television presenter and adventurer, initially presenting the TV show "Escape to the Legion," where he underwent a month of intensive training with the French Foreign Legion.

In addition to his television work, Bear Grylls has been involved in a number of charitable and philanthropic endeavors. He is a supporter of many causes, including the Prince's Trust, which helps disadvantaged youth in the UK, and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, which provides search and rescue services around the UK coast.

Bear Grylls is married and has three children. He continues to be involved in outdoor activities and adventure, and remains a popular figure in the world of survival and outdoor exploration.

In addition to his television work and charity work, Bear Grylls has also been involved in several business ventures. He has launched a successful line of outdoor clothing and equipment, as well as a survival academy where he teaches survival skills to enthusiasts and corporate clients.

Bear Grylls has also been recognized for his contributions to the world of adventure and survival. He was awarded the honorary rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy, and he has been appointed as the Chief Scout of the UK Scout Association, where he works to inspire and motivate young people to get involved in outdoor activities and exploration.

Bear Grylls has faced some controversy over the years due to some of the techniques and stunts he has performed on his television shows. However, he remains a popular figure and has inspired many people to take up outdoor activities and to challenge themselves in new ways.

Overall, Bear Grylls is a well-respected and accomplished adventurer, author, and television presenter who has made a significant impact in the world of survival and outdoor exploration.

Bear Grylls has also been involved in various expeditions and adventures around the world. He has climbed Mount Everest, crossed the North Atlantic in an inflatable boat, paramotored over the Himalayas, and led expeditions to many remote and challenging locations.

In his television series "Running Wild with Bear Grylls," he takes celebrities on outdoor adventures, teaching them survival skills and challenging them to overcome their fears and push their limits.

Bear Grylls is also a strong advocate for environmental conservation and sustainability. He has spoken out about the importance of protecting the planet and has worked with organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace to raise awareness and support conservation efforts.

In recent years, Bear Grylls has continued to expand his media and entertainment empire, producing and hosting new shows and events. He remains a popular figure among outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers, and his work has inspired many people to explore and appreciate the natural world.

Friday 17 March 2023

Pubg Mobile

 PUBG Mobile is a popular mobile battle royale game developed and published by PUBG Corporation. The game can be played on both Android and iOS devices.

In PUBG Mobile, up to 100 players parachute onto an island and scavenge for weapons and equipment to eliminate other players while avoiding getting eliminated themselves. The game features multiple game modes, including classic, arcade, and sniper training, and players can play solo, duo, or in teams of up to four players.

PUBG Mobile has gained popularity for its realistic graphics, intense gameplay, and the thrill of being the last player or team standing. The game also offers a variety of in-game items and skins that players can purchase using in-game currency or real money.

However, PUBG Mobile has faced criticism in some countries due to concerns about addiction, violence, and the impact on young people. As a result, some countries have banned the game, while others have imposed restrictions on its use.

Sure, here's some additional information on PUBG Mobile:

PUBG Mobile was released on March 19, 2018, and quickly became a popular game in the mobile gaming industry. It has been downloaded over 1 billion times worldwide.

The game has several maps, including Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi, and Livik. Each map has its own unique terrain, buildings, and gameplay mechanics.

PUBG Mobile has a ranking system that allows players to climb up the leaderboards and compete against other players of similar skill levels.

The game also features a Royale Pass, which is a seasonal event that offers players exclusive rewards for completing challenges and missions.

PUBG Mobile has faced controversy for its addictive nature, with some players spending hours playing the game each day. In response, the developers have introduced features such as a gameplay timer and a health reminder system to encourage players to take breaks.

The game has been banned in several countries, including India, Iran, and Iraq, due to concerns about its impact on young people and its violent content.

In September 2020, PUBG Corporation announced that it would be terminating its service agreement with Tencent Games in India and taking over all publishing responsibilities for PUBG Mobile in the country. The game was later re-released in India as "PUBG Mobile India," with some changes to the content and gameplay to comply with local regulations.

Overall, PUBG Mobile is a popular mobile game that has attracted millions of players worldwide. While it has faced controversy and challenges, it remains a popular and engaging game for those who enjoy battle royale gameplay.

Sure, here are some additional details about PUBG Mobile:

The game has several different game modes, including Classic, Arcade, and EvoGround modes. In Classic mode, players fight to be the last player or team standing, while in Arcade mode, players can participate in faster-paced gameplay modes such as Quick Match, Sniper Training, and War.

EvoGround mode features new gameplay mechanics and is updated regularly with new modes and features. Some of the popular modes in EvoGround include Payload mode, which allows players to use vehicles and heavy weapons, and Zombie mode, which pits players against hordes of zombies.

The game features a wide range of weapons and equipment, including firearms, grenades, and melee weapons. Players can also find and use vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and boats to travel quickly across the map.

PUBG Mobile also has a strong esports scene, with tournaments and competitions taking place around the world. The game has a large community of players and content creators who regularly stream and share their gameplay experiences.

The game is free to play, but it includes in-app purchases such as virtual currency, skins, and other cosmetic items. These purchases can be used to personalize the appearance of a player's character and weapons.

In addition to its mobile version, PUBG is also available on PC and consoles such as Xbox and PlayStation.

The game has won several awards and accolades since its release, including the Best Mobile Game at The Game Awards 2018, the Mobile Game of the Year at the 2018 Golden Joystick Awards, and the Best Competitive Game at the 2020 Google Play Awards.

Overall, PUBG Mobile is a popular and engaging game that has attracted a large and dedicated player base. The game offers a variety of gameplay modes, a wide range of weapons and equipment, and a strong esports scene, making it an enjoyable and immersive experience for players who enjoy battle royale games.

Sure, here are some additional facts about PUBG Mobile:

The game is available in multiple languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian.

PUBG Mobile has a built-in voice chat feature that allows players to communicate with their teammates during gameplay. This can be helpful for coordinating strategies and working together to eliminate other players.

The game has a variety of settings that players can customize, including graphics quality, sound effects, and controls. This allows players to optimize their gameplay experience based on their device and personal preferences.

PUBG Mobile has a strong social media presence, with official accounts on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The game's developers also regularly communicate with players through these channels to provide updates, answer questions, and gather feedback.

The game has inspired a variety of merchandise and collaborations, including clothing, accessories, and even a limited-edition PUBG Mobile-themed OnePlus smartphone.

PUBG Mobile has a large community of content creators who stream and share their gameplay experiences on platforms such as YouTube and Twitch. Some of these creators have become popular influencers and have been able to earn income from their content.

In addition to its entertainment value, PUBG Mobile has also been used for educational and social purposes. For example, some teachers have used the game to teach geography, while others have organized online tournaments to promote teamwork and socialization among students.

Overall, PUBG Mobile is a game with a broad impact, attracting a diverse player base and inspiring a variety of collaborations, merchandise, and educational initiatives.

 Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad is a Pakistani politician and the current Minister for Interior in the federal cabinet of Pakistan. He was born on November 6, 1950, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He is the founder and chief of the Awami Muslim League, a political party based in Pakistan.

Shaikh Rasheed has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since 1985 and has held various portfolios in the government, including the Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. He is known for his outspoken personality and has been a vocal critic of the government and opposition parties.

Shaikh Rasheed has a strong political following in Rawalpindi and is considered a popular political figure in the city. He is known for his support of the military establishment in Pakistan and has been a staunch supporter of the country's nuclear program.

Sure, here's some more information about Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad:

Before entering politics, Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad studied at the Gordon College in Rawalpindi and later at the Government College Lahore. He then went on to complete his LLB from the University of Punjab.

He started his political career in 1985 when he was elected to the National Assembly of Pakistan as an independent candidate. He later joined the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and served as a federal minister in the cabinet of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad has been elected to the National Assembly a total of ten times from different constituencies in Rawalpindi. He has also served as the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly from 2008 to 2013.

Shaikh Rasheed is known for his love for railways and has often been called the "Railway Minister" due to his interest in the development of Pakistan Railways. During his tenure as the Minister for Railways, he introduced several reforms, including the renovation of railway stations and the introduction of new trains.

In addition to politics, Shaikh Rasheed is also a writer and has authored several books, including "Pakistan Kahani", "Sach Tou Yeh Hai", and "Kamyabi Ka Paigham". He is also a regular columnist in newspapers and appears frequently on TV talk shows.

Shaikh Rasheed is known for his straightforward and blunt style of speaking and is often quoted in the media for his colorful remarks. He has been involved in several controversies throughout his career, including a 2018 incident where he was hit by a shoe during a political rally in Rawalpindi.

 f you're referring to "Shabaz Sharif," he is a Pakistani politician who has served as the Chief Minister of the Punjab province of Pakistan multiple times. He is a member of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) political party, and is the younger brother of Nawaz Sharif, a former Prime Minister of Pakistan. Shabaz Sharif has been involved in Pakistani politics for several decades and has held various government positions at both the federal and provincial levels.

Muhammad Yousaf
Shabaz Sharif
  • Shabaz Sharif was born on September 23, 1950, in Lahore, Pakistan.

  • He holds a Bachelor's degree in Arts and a Master's degree in Political Science from Government College University Lahore.

  • He began his political career in 1988 when he was elected to the Punjab Assembly. He has since held various positions in the provincial and federal governments.

  • Shabaz Sharif has served as the Chief Minister of Punjab three times, first from 1997 to 1999, then from 2008 to 2013, and again from 2013 to 2018.

  • During his tenure as Chief Minister, he launched various development projects in the province, including the Lahore Metro Bus System and the Punjab Safe Cities Project.

  • Shabaz Sharif has been the subject of various controversies throughout his political career, including allegations of corruption and misuse of public funds.

  • In 2019, he was arrested by Pakistan's anti-corruption agency on charges of money laundering and corruption. He was later released on bail.

  • Shabaz Sharif remains an influential figure in Pakistani politics and is seen by many as a potential future Prime Minister of Pakistan.